Alderney Wildlife Trust

06 June 2022
A set of stamps depicting the work of Alderney Wildlife Trust are to be released by Guernsey Post, as the charity marks its twentieth anniversary.

Established in 2002 to champion, study and protect Alderney’s wildlife, the Trust aims to conserve the island’s landscape, wildlife and its habitats. Its members use their extensive knowledge to help the people of Alderney enjoy, understand and take positive action for wildlife.

AWT’s CEO, Roland Gauvain, said:

‘As we reach twenty years of age we are focusing very much on our community. As an organisation we have nature reserves, public access sites and carry out research.  The coming year we will be making a big effort on sustainability, reducing carbon use and waste, both within the AWT but also on island.’

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Issue date: 9 June 2022