New headquarters for POST

01 February 2023
The construction on the new Helix building began in 2019, and soon 1,000 POST Group employees will move into the finished headquarters. Post Luxembourg are celebrating the move with a new stamp showcasing the innovative building.

The architectural concept of the building by Luxembourg firm Metaform blends perfectly into the streetscape facing Luxembourg City’s central train station.

The striking section of the “Accinauto” facade was preserved and extended on a broad front by a modern, lamella facade. Achieving harmony between the new and the ancient elements was a requirement. An example is that the existing rounded roof structure was adjusted, so it could be preserved and blend in with the new rectangular facade.

The new building has been certified by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen).

This certification covers the planning as well as the construction and operation of the building. This is the second POST building that does not directly produce carbon emissions; the other being the Weierbaach building in the Cloche d’Or district.

Notable features of the Helix building include the use of an ice storage system as an innovative energy source. The 2,110 m2 system is one of the largest in Europe and both stores energy and supplies it to meet needs.

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Stamp specifications

  • Price of the stamp: €1.00
  • Rendering: Metaform Architects (LU)
  • Layout: POST Agence Créa (LU)
  • Printing: Multicoloured high-resolution offset by Bpost Stamps Factory, Malines (BE)
  • Dimensions: 48.75 x 38.15 mm, 10 stamps per sheet

Another priority for the designers was the creation of an open and dynamic environment incorporating future-oriented technology. They were guided by concepts such as connectivity, communication and cooperation.

At the centre of the building is the “Hub”, an atrium dominated by an unusual spiral stairway. The hub provides a diverse array of spaces in which employees can meet and communicate in a setting different to the traditional office or conference rooms.

POST’s new headquarters thus fits in with the group’s overall strategy, in which ecological, economical, technical and functional values and requirements as well as the health and well-being of all employees are to the fore.