Rural tourism

19 August 2021
As part of the 2021 joint edition of SEPAC members on the theme “Historical maps”, POST Philately presents the oldest map of Luxembourg city drawn by Jakob van Deventer in the 16th century.
Rural tourism Images

The special series ends with two motifs, one showing Vianden Castle, representative of the large number of historic castles, fortresses and mansions - some with beautiful gardens and parks - that visitors can find in all the countries.

It was designed by the Luxembourg graphic designer Eugène Kalmus.

The other motive pays tribute to the efforts of the APTR (Association Luxembourgeoise pour la Promotion du Tourisme Rural), which has continued to expand its range of services for 30 years and was able to host in 2021 the general assembly of the European association, which celebrated its 30th anniversary.

  • Price of the series: € 1.85
  • Drawings and Layout: Eugène Kalmus (LU)
  • Printing: High definition four-color offset,
  • self-adhesive stamps with perforation and
  • grooves on the back by Gutenberg AG (FL)
  • Format: 32 x 38 mm, 10 stamps per sheet with
  • decorated edges.
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